HomeGoogle AppsGoogle CalendarHide a calendar from your list

4.1. Hide a calendar from your list

Hide a calendar from your list

Trim down your calendar list while still retaining access to shared calendars and public calendars. When you hide a calendar, that calendar will not appear in your calendar list to the left of the event grid. However, you can always access hidden calendars in your Calendars menu.

The quickest way to hide a single calendar is to click the down-arrow next to the appropriate calendar in your calendar list and to select 'Hide this calendar from the list' from the drop-down menu.

To temporarily hide multiple calendars, just follow these steps:

  1. Click drop-down arrow next to My calendars or Other calendars and chooseSettings.
  2. Select the Calendars tab.
  3. De-select the appropriate checkboxes under the Show in list column. Only calendars that are selected in the Show in list column will be displayed in the calendar list to the left of the event grid.

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