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New Staff Accounts
1. New Staff Account Instructions and Process
1.1. New Staff Account Process
Welcome to Orchard View School District.
Please complete Steps One and Two below for technology access.
To obtain your badge, please call 760-1550 to make an appointment for your photo to be taken in Central Office.
STEP ONE: Please complete the online AUP (Staff Acceptable Use Policy) by clicking this link: http://ovtechtidbits.weebly.com/new-users.html If the link does not come up automatically, please copy and paste into a web browser for access.
STEP TWO: Click on "Submit a New Request" in the HelpDesk Portal and select New Staff Account in the Category drop down list. Complete all the requested fields but DO NOT submit the request unless you have completed Step One. There is a required checkbox on the work order form that states you have signed an AUP and forwarded it to Central Office.
When access is completed (within one business day), instructions for logging in will be sent to your personal email account.
If you have additional questions, please contact the Help Desk at 760-1587.